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Customizable Generative AI
  1. Smart GPT

  2. AI conversation

  3. Text to Speech

  4. Image Generation

  5. Video Generation

  6. Image Style Transfer

NLP:Natural Language Processing
  1. GIR:Generative Information Retrieval

  2. RAG: Retrieval-Augmented Generation

  3. Knowledge Search

  4. Emotion Recognition

  5. Big Data Summarization

  6. Intent Classification

  7. Automatic Speech Recognition

  8. Speech to Text

NLU: Natural Language Understanding
  1. Speech and Text Sentiment Analysis

  2. Speech and Text Intent Analysis

  3. Signal Processing and Signal Extra

  4. Image Natural Language Understanding

Computer Vision
  1. Image Classification

  2. 3D Movement Classification

  3. Body Movement Classification and Tracking

  4. SLAM

  5. 3D Object Recognition 2

  6. 3D Positional and Rotational Tracking

  7. 3D Depth Analysis

Services We Provide

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